Join the Webring

Anyone who maintains a small personal or communal fic archive that is under your control, i.e. not hosted on an archive or social media site, is welcome to join the webring. The only requirement is that the site currently have fic posted on it (no empty/placeholder sites.) Sites can have other stuff on them as well, as long as some of the content is fanfic. Content is not vetted and inclusion in the webring listing does not constitute endorsement by any members of the content posted on other sites.

To join:

  1. Add the following code snippet to your site for a button that will send visitors around the ring:
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- document.write('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC=""><\/SCRIPT>'); //--></SCRIPT>
  3. Once the buttons are on your site (not before, since if I add you to the ring database before you have the code, it'll break the whole ring until you add them, and then I have to worry about checking back to make sure you've done it), send an email to with the following info:
    • 1. Site address (wherever the buttons are located)
    • 2. Site title to be displayed as link
    • 3. 1-sentence description of your site, fandoms or interests to appear in the main index
    • 4. Optional: if you would also like to be included in the index listed by fandom, indicate that and up to three fandoms you would like to be listed under. If something major changes on your site feel free to email me to have fandoms added, but for obvious reasons I'm not going to try to maintain a list of all fandoms on all sites. I also try not to editorialize or "tag wrangle" which fandoms are equivalent to each other (book/comic/movie/tv versions etc), so take a look through the index and if your listed fandom doesn't match one of the previously existing categories, it will get a new one.

    Please let me know if you think anything is broken about the ring-- it should update pretty quickly once I add you and the buttons should lead visitors around, well, in a ring through all the listed sites. The code used is from here via the Linux webring-- I did not write it and am not ~a coder~ at all, so if you are and are interested in being on call to take a look at any problems that might arise with it, give me a shout!

    If you would like to join a webring for general fannish websites, check out The Fandom Webring!
This site is created using Neocities, an open-source, ad-free static webhosting service that aims to counteract the "sad, pathetic, consumption-oriented digital iron curtain" that is the modern Internet.